
La Manga del Mar Menor

Panorámica de la Manga del Mar Menor La Manga del Mar Menor, 20+ kilometer strip of land separating the Mediterranean Sea from the Mar Menor Salt Lake, from the town of Cabo de Palos (lighthouse) to Las Salinas, in San Pedro del Pinatar. La Manga, with a width ranging from 100 to 1,200 meters, connects with Mar Menor through channels called "golas", where both bodies of water meet. The central gola (called El Estacio) connecting to the marina, and the Marchamalo gola (to the North), were both widened to favor access. The Ventorrillo and El Charco golas in the weir area, are both natural.

There are a number of volcanic islands on both sides of La Manga: La Perdiguera, Isla Mayor (also known as Isla del Barón), Isla del Ciervo, Isla del Sujeto and Isla Redonda (or Rondella) in the Mar Menor Salt Lake,  and Isla Grosa, Islas Hormigas and Islote Farallón in the Mediterranean Sea.

Presence of human activity dates back to the Neolithic period. It is also known than both Fenicians and Romans used the El Estacio gola as a berth. The first weirs were built in the Middle Ages. During the reigns of Carlos V and Felipe II, coastal watch towers (El Estacio, La Encañizada and Pinatar) were built to protect the area from the Berbers.

La Manga was urbanized in the mid-20th century, establishing itself as one of the main tourist destinations in the Region of Murcia. La Manga is managed by the municipalities of Cartagena (South area), San Javier (North areas).

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Panorámica de la Manga del Mar Menor
Vista del Mar Menor
Isla del Barón
Faro del Estacio
Veneciola. Ambos Mares
Gola de Marchamalo. La Manga del Mar Menor
Puente de la Risa. Final de la Manga
Golas de Veneciola
La Manga del Mar Menor. Las Encañizadas
Puerto deportivo Tomás Maestre
Canal entre Mar Menor y Mar Mediterráneo
Puente levadizo
La Manga del Mar Menor. Molino de Veneziola
La Manga años 60
Playa de las Amoladeras. Mar Mediterráneo
Las Salinas de Marchamalo
Nieve en la Manga. Año 2005
Vista desde el Faro de Cabo de Palos
Islas del Mar Menor
Playa Cavanna
Vista desde Calblanque


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