Tourist Services

Calasparra Tourist Office

Edificio Casa Granero, 14
30420 CALASPARRA Telf:  968 745 325, FAX: 968 745 325 / Company Website

Calasparra Tourist Office A building of neoclassical inspirations that used to belong to the  family of the Count of  Valley of St John. Its construction was completed in 1.808. The facade divides into theree parts. The great door with its lintel is crowned by the coat of arms of the Melgarejo family. In was used as a working rice mill but now houses the Municipal Music School, the Tourism Office and the Rice Museum.

Opening hours:
From Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 2:00pm
Saturday: from 10:00am to 1:00 pm

On sunday at Rice Museum in the same place.

Calasparra Tourist Office
Calasparra Tourist Office
Calasparra Tourist Office
Calasparra Tourist Office
Calasparra Tourist Office
Calasparra Tourist Office

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