History & Culture

Church of La Merced

Avenida Los Valientes, 0 S/N,
30627 Fenazar Telf:  968 64 39 16

Spanish name: Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de La Merced

Church of La Merced In Days gone by this church was the chapel of the Conception, founded in 1555. In 1625 a convent of a barefoot order. The Convent of Our Lady of the Merced, stood nestto the church. During the War of Independence the Convent was set on fire and plundered. It was used by the church as a warehouse for esparto grass up until the 20th century and opened again for worship in 1959. Recently restored, it emphasizes the coloured of the set and the work done on the lateral facade, known as the "Door of Esperanza", where we can see by a mosaic the "Virgin of Esperanza" image.

Church of La Merced
Church of La Merced. Door of Esperanza

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