Nature, Sea & Mountain

The Strait of Arboleja

Rambla de Lebor
30859 -Aledo-

Site of Geological Interest

The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo The Strait of Arboleja, Agualeja or Algualeja is an area of great interest for its landscape, natural environment and culture, as well as being part of the Site of Geological Interest in the Municipality of Aledo.

The strait is part of the Rambla de Lébor brook and forms a narrow tunnel-like gorge with a high presence of water, moss and other organisms in its walls, providing a much appreciated coolness in the hottest days of summer.
The walk through  the gorge allows us to discover ancient coral reefs among other fossils and marvel at the singular landscape created by the erosion from wind, water and fauna.

The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo
The Strait of Arboleja in Aledo


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