Nature, Sea & Mountain

El Saladillo Thermal Baths

El Saladillo

Spanish name: Termas El Saladillo

El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón The volcanic soil of the Mazarrón area and the existence of underground volcanoes, cause these thermal waters to flow continuously from the subsoil of the El Saladillo district. The thermal baths, discovered by chance while looking for irrigation resources to water almond trees, were declared of public use 20 years ago. After that, locals built over ten ponds so that anyone could enjoy the therapeutic properties and temperatures (approximately 50º) of these waters in an environment surrounded by almond trees, olive trees, carob trees and small palms trees.

El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón
El Saladillo Thermal Baths in Mazarrón


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