History & Culture

Peral Submarine

Muelle de Alfonso XII, s/n
30201 -Cartagena- Telf:  968 127 119

Spanish name: Submarino Peral

Submarino Peral
Isaac Peral (Cartagena 1851 - Berlin 1895) is considered the inventor of the submarine. Although his vessel was not the first submersible, he introduced a number of revolutionary changes resulting in a perfect weapon and contributing to solve the nation's defense problems in facing the modern war machines of other countries. His submarine was the first one equipped with an electric engine and an underwater torpedo platform.
This icon monument of Cartagena used to be exhibited in the sea walk of Paseo Marítimo Alfonso XII, but was recently transported to the city's Naval Museum where it will be restored and exhibited indoors to avoid deterioration. 


Submarino Peral
Submarino Peral
Submarino Peral
Submarino Peral

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