History & Culture

National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA

Paseo de Alfonso XII, 22
30202 -Cartagena- Telf:  968 12 11 66

Spanish name: Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática - ARQUA

National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA The National Museum of Underwater Archeology 'ARQUA', takes its name from two Latin words: Archaeologia and Aqua. The main objective of the museum is to study, assess, research, preserve and disseminate Spain's underwater heritage. The museum headquarters has been praised and studied internationally.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Thursday, 10 am - 9 pm
Sunday and public holidays, 10 am - 3 pm
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
National Underwater Archeology Museum – ARQUA
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