Spanish name: Noria de la Hoya de D. García
Name of the waterwheel: Noria de la Hoya de D. García
Date of last reconstruction: 1951
Irrigation tahullas (1 tahulla = 1118 square meters): 233
Type of crops: Citrus fruits, stone fruits and vegetables
Name of irrigation ditch supplying the waterwheel: Principal-Blanca
Areas irrigated: Soto de la Presa, Rambla del Moro, Excorrales and Hoya de D. García
Waterwheel diameter: 8.20 meters
Waterwheel width: 1.05 meters
Number of spokes: 12 x 2 = 24
Number of flat-profile blades: 48
Number of buckets: 48 x 2=96
Location: Both crowns
Construction materials: Wood, with the shaft and plates made of "sweet" iron
Historical background: Document dated 1818