Health & Personal Care

Ceome, Centro Médico, Prevención de la obesidad

Plaza Fuensanta, 1 - 1 ° A
30005 Murcia Telf:  968 29 50 07 - 968 28 73 21 / Company Website

Ceome is the largest obesity treatment centre of the Spanish east, in its seven clinics have been addressed over 47,000 people. Pioneers in micro-nutrition and antiaging treatments through food, to Dr. Molero is a leader in health through nutrition.

Other Ceome centres:

Caravaca de la Cruz

C/. Maruja Garrido, s/n - Telf. 968 70 36 77

Pº Alfonso XIII, 3 - Entresuelo A - Telf. 968 12 15 06

San Pedro del Pinatar
Plaza de la Constitución, 17 - 1° C - Telf. 968 18 63 54

Avenida Maissonnave, 13 - 1 ° Izqda. - Telf. 965 98 46 84

C/. Obispo Rocamora, 10 - Entresuelo Izqda. - Telf. 966 34 00 31

C/ Ramón Gallud, 60 -1 ° - Telf. 965 71 54 40


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