Eating, Drinking & Fun

Restaurante La Parraletta

Paraje "El Jarral"
Poligono 23, parcela 169, El Losado
Blanca Road RM-B17
At the end of the route of the Water Wheels (Ruta de las norias)
30550 -Abarán- Murcia Telf:  968 771 138 / 686 055 572

La Parraletta restaurant Perfect combination between the innovation and experience gained by our cooking team and the culinary variety of Mediterranean countries such as Spain, France and Italy.
The restaurant, which is in an ideal location for those wanting to enjoy the waterwheels route, offers daily mens at an unbeatable quality/price relationship (€12).
The owner will greet you with a smile and a friendly line.

La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant
La Parraletta restaurant,-1.395198,15.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xb45b0570424a2e24!8m2!3d38.203687!4d-1.392552

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