About us

Our Company

Allyouneedinmurcia, tourist website on the Region of Murcia, was created to serve visitors. To do that, we have developed a platform enabling simple access to know more about a large number of places to visit and enjoy your stay. In our website we make many recommendations regarding restaurants, coffee shops, pubs, stores, beaches, water sports areas, golf courses, tourist routes, as well as regional folklore and traditions.

Our purpose

Your satisfaction. We truly believe that a satisfied person is a friend who will remember us wherever they might be. That belief motivates AllYouNeed personnel to walk the streets and towns of the Region of Murcia selecting the very best options so that you keep trusting us. We do not want to let you down, we want to see you time and time again!

In our "experiences" section we suggest many activities for your enjoyment, including a sunset in San Pedro salt flats, a swim in the beaches of Calblanque, scuba diving in the coast of Cabo de Palos, horse and 4x4 routes, day trip in Ricote Valley and gliding, among many other options. The purpose of this section is to help you find your favorite destination depending on your needs or mood.


Antonio Damián Fernández-Marcote Morales  |  Technical Engineer in Telecommunication  |  Project Manager and Public Relations  |
Jose Antonio Marin Carrillo  |  Undergraduate in Information Sciences  |  Marketing Director and Public Relations
Lidia Leiva Lozano  | Undergraduate in Tourism and Graduate in Advertisement  | Documentation and Public Relations  |
Natalia Marín Carrillo  |  Technician in design and plastic arts, specialty in graphic advertisement  |  Art Director  |
Natalia Fernández-Marcote Marin  |  Student of Marketing, Publicity and Public Relations  |  Community manager  |
Javier Cruz Pérez  |  Technician in information and telecommunication systems  |  Web Administrator  
Jose Delgado  |  Translator and interpreter  |
Pumba  |  Our most cherished pet  |  Specialist in trekking  |



This is a webpage targeted to the tourist sector and specialized in the Region of Murcia. Our purpose is to provide national and international tourists with information in two different languages: English and Spanish.
Something relevant about our website is that it allows users to share their doubts, preferences or inquiries. We then help them plan their trip and send them detailed information adapted to their needs.
Our website is updated daily, including information on all types of activities related to tourism in the Region of Murcia.
We have a section on events and news that gets updated on a daily basis, as well as an agenda sorted by destinations and dates with the idea of disseminating the events held in the Region of Murcia.
Additionally, we have an online store intended to showcase Murcian creators and sell their products.

Avda. Primo de Rivera, 10, 3º Pta. 14 30008 Murcia. email: info@allyouneedinmurcia.com
Tf - 629694999


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